Thursday, March 1, 2012

The post you've all been waiting for...

Well,  I'm here! In Port Elizabeth, S.A., and I made it in one piece... a very tired and homesick piece... but I am alive and well.

I landed in Johannesburg, SA, last night around 5:30 pm (9:30am home-time), and into Port Elizabeth at approximately 9:20pm. My flight from Atlanta (change of itinerary at the last minute) to Jburg was 15 hours. Let me tell you what: that is a very long time to sit in a window seat. My legs were cramped cramped cramped. Next time, I'm choosing the aisle!

I watched a couple of movies on the plane and -- some of you would be proud-- I finally saw Inception. I'm not going to lie though, I didn't really like it all that much. It could have been because I was missing Bronson and DiCaprio's wife dies/is deadish and he was missing her. There were some cool elements, even still, didn't think it was as great as you all made it out to be... just saying.

This morning I hung out in our "flat" as it is called here in SA.

 Kitchen area
Living area and Britt's bedroom.

Our one and only bedroom.

I slept a bunch and when the girls got home (4 roommates as of today in a one bedroom apt-- AH!) we went to the beach.

The beach is beautiful. And sandy with some jagged rocky cliff areas. It's about a 2 minute walk down here.

Big waves and tons of surfers. I would like to learn how to surf while I am here. There is a couple here that the girls all know that own a business that takes tourists and locals on trips for charity. I met them today on the beach and they told me they could teach me to surf! Stay tuned for that post...
They also discussed going to an elephant park (to RIDE the elephants. What?!) later next week with one of my roommates. I will so be joining her. I just got here and there are already a million things to do.

*Bronson, someday, when we have some serious dollar, I am bringing you here. You would love the beach. The waves were pretty big and it was very relaxing... your kind of a beach, baby. You would be proud of me... I sat on the beach and read a book. :)

One of the gals, Andrea, walked me to the grocery store this afternoon. It is very similar to a Giant Eagle-- but about as small as an Aldi. They have some goodies from home, but the girls say that they aren't quite the same. So care packages of Skittles, Cheeseburgers, pizza, Unsweetened Tea and cake (the cake here was dry-- almost sandy) are appreciated. :)

I am watching Apollo 13 on TV at the moment. Another something from home.

Tomorrow I am going to Herbert Hurd. So, kiddos from Park and fellow student teachers at Kent... be prepared for some information and photos!

I love you all and I miss home terribly.

Sarah  (8:10pm)


  1. Hey, Skate! Surfing sounds awesome! And I have always wanted to ride an elephant! JEALOUS!! Give us your address so we can send care packages. I already have a hundred things in mind! Love you. Glad you're having a good time! Don't miss home too much. It will be here when you return, but elephants and surfing won't. =) Well, riding elephants and learning surfing for free and down the road won't. ;)


  2. We have been watching and waiting so I am releived to hear that you made it and all is well. (I know I probably sound like an overprotective mother right?) It kind of looks like you may have a nice vacation while you are there! The class will be very excited to see your post. Meriah thinks now that she may want to go to Africa after seeing the pics that you have posted so far. I think people see Africa so differently than what you see : ) Have phone and I will look forward to sharing your posts!! Be careful and have fun!!
