Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Internet

Mrs. Miles' third grade class (of which I completed my student teaching hours this past school year) sent me quite a few questions that they have about ZA via my blog. A couple of weeks ago I made a video response to their questions and only in the past 24 hours have been able to upload it to YouTube.

This  has been quite the learning experience for me! Our internet here is very expensive and not so good. I pay about $20 for 3 GB of internet which only lasts me (if I am very careful) two weeks. Several times I had successfully begun the upload and was halfway through the process (a several hour long process) only to have the internet go out for one reason or another. Bronson helped me a lot. Even 9,000 miles away he has got my back!

Through this crazy uploading experience I can say that I now know how to:

  • Make a video smaller-- "compress" the video. This comes in handy when you pay for internet by the GB!
  • Upload a video that is longer than 15 minutes to YouTube. Apparently, there is a special permission/verification to do so. I figured that out all by myself!
  • Be a bit more patient. Patience is more of a virtue in ZA than in America. It has to be...


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