Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Rounding Rap Take Two

Last year I posted about a rounding rap that my co-op teacher introduced to me in her classroom. THIS year I used the video in my own classroom! :) And so it comes full swing.

Here is how it went down this year:

First, we had the students write digits 0-9 on ten index cards. On the back of each of those cards the students wrote zeros. On two more index cards they made commas. Then they pulled out a dry erase marker.

Next, my co-teacher and I showed these two Youtube videos:

Original Rounding Rap Music Video
Rounding Rap How - To Video

The students were given the lyrics and once we watched the Music Video once or twice and they got into the groove, we all started to sing along.

Once they had the song down we used the cards that we made to do some rounding! Check out our procedure.

*Sheila, my co-teacher had the brilliant idea of writing on the desks with the dry erase marker!

Here we are building our number.
Notice the rules "5-9 add one" and "0-4 the circle stays the same" written on the desk. 

Number built. Let's get rounding!!

Find the place value. Circle that digit...

Then move to the right and underline it.

0-4, the circle stays the same; but 5-9 adding 1 is the game!
Now flex your muscles just like a hero... digits to the right, change to zero!

All the other numbers stay the same. YO! You're a winner in the rounding game!
 So, I seem to have lost the last photo... Ali ended up with 580,000 using the rounding game procedures.

We love this. It was great practice. One of our kids actually told us that this was the best math lesson ever. So, that says something about student appeal, I suppose.

Good luck rounding!!
