Sunday, February 12, 2012

Two Weeks Away...

I am two weeks (and a day) away from leaving for Port Elizabeth, South Africa, to student teach. The more I think about it the more anxious I get to be on my way!

Though I am excited and anxious, there are loads of other emotions that have been coming and going over the past several weeks: sadness, happiness, fear and quite frankly, terror. I am going to miss my husband, my home, my classmates (our last class together forever is only one week away...) and my very awesome friends. Two months is quite a bit of time to be away from Bronson, so mostly, I am just really going to miss that guy. Thankfully, I know that no matter where I go or for how long I am gone I will always have a Bronson to come back to. I keep telling myself that as I make preparations and go through the ten thousand emotional stages of "farewell for now."

On a less serious note, at this point in the game I am starting to freak about about the packing situation. What do you wear in South Africa?! I need to do some serious shopping here pretty soon... I have two pairs of shorts-- count them-- two. I also need to buy some gifts for my cooperating teachers over there... I'm thinking some fun books about the U.S., Ohio and New Phila. There have to be books about New Phila, right??

I am waiting for the primary school to get back to me about dress code stuff... seems to be my life right now: waiting.

Living boldly doesn't require us to leave our home, our country, our life. It requires us to leave our comfort, our fear and our expectations.


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