Saturday, April 21, 2012

Kragga Kamma

On April 14 (after elephant riding at Kwantu) Britt and I went to Kragga Kamma Game Park specifically to see Rhinos. We got to see them and much much more!

I'm not going to do much writing, just posting photos. Enjoy!

Ooooh, I love giraffes!

So close! 

African Box Turtle
Warthogs, or as the little girl sitting behind me on the truck called them, "Pumbas!"
The big one is the male. 
This is a Vervet Monkey. I thought he was going to attack me. Seriously. When a monkey gives you the death stare the only thing you can do is death stare back.
 He came right up to the truck and was crazily searching for food. 
"Five little monkeys swinging from the trees..."

White Rhino Mama and baby & a warthog
The "baby" is only 1 year old
Male Nyala
Mountain Reedbuck
Ostrich (female)
Ostrich (male- you can tell because of the bright black feathers)
Impalla- buck (male)
Cheetah Mama and babies

We had a marvelous time. Seeing animals in their natural habitat is such an awesome thing!


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